Winter is not a time for doing. It is a time for dreaming, reimagining, inventing. It is a time to turn inward, to be cozy, to contemplate.
Of course, the world and our jobs and all the other things we need to attend to don’t stop in winter – but when you do have time for yourself, don’t feel pressure to be as active or productive as you were in summer.
Nature looks different in each season and we too are nature: be sure to vary your routines, food, and exercise habits with each season.
🔹SLEEP: more!
🔹EAT: warm! Raw foods are for summer – minimize them in winter (or choose only easy-to-digest ones like salad greens). Roasted vegetables, roasts, stews, soups, sweet potatoes, and squash are the way to go. Baking, steaming, or slow-cooking are the most nourishing and warming cooking methods for winter.
🔹EXERCISE: with intention! While some cardio is still good in winter, take this time to focus on weight training, yoga or stretching, or other slower-moving, focused practices. Try to get outside at least once a day during daylight hours— most people are vitamin D deficient in the winter, and sunlight helps to boost mood and energy.
🔹INNER WORK: prioritize mental and emotional health! In the winter, trees shed their leaves and pull their energy inward. We do the same – and sometimes we find it uncomfortable to be in our own internal world. There’s no one-size-fits-all for mental and emotional health, but chances are, you know what feels healing to you… a walk outside (even if it’s cold), laughing with friends, exploring with a therapist, relaxing into a massage, ice skating, playing music, cooking a meal, cleaning a closet, reading a book… take your time, whatever form it takes.