Tips for if you’re feeling sick

With Covid-19 on the rise, plus the normal cold & flu season, here are some at-home tools for fighting off sickness and taking care of yourself and others if you do fall sick. 

The best chance of fighting a pathogen is early in the onset. Notice initial symptoms of sore muscles, fatigue, headache, or sore throat and immediately boost with vitamins, supplements high in Vitamin C and zinc, N-Acetyl cysteine, elderberry syrup, and hot tea & broth. Keep your body warm and try to rest so that your system can focus on fighting off the invader. 

If possible, avoid or reduce alcohol, coffee, smoking, sugar, & dairy while sick. These interfere with your body’s ability to self-heal.

Monitor any symptoms that become severe and seek emergency care if necessary. Have a loved one check in on you (and check in on your loved ones who are sick too!)

This is a time to rest and take care of yourself. Enjoy plenty of hot fluids: baths, herbal teas, and broths. Keep cozy and nap often. Being sick is unpleasant, but it can also be a time of pause to reflect and recalibrate.

As always, we’re here to answer any questions you have about your health. We carry immune-boosting supplements in stock and contactless pickup is available. Acupuncture is good medicine for keeping you and your immune system healthy. 

Images by Samara Reigh