Unsurprisingly, the number of patients at the clinic reporting anxiety has skyrocketed in the past few months.
- Acupuncture, Reiki, cupping, & herbal medicine can help with the physical symptoms of muscular tension heart palpitations, insomnia, nausea, digestive disturbance, tingling extremities, shortness of breath, & panic attacks.
The people reporting anxiety also tend to be emotionally intuitive, attuned to their surroundings & the people around them, and concerned for our world.
- So, instead of thinking about using this medicine to “get rid of anxiety”, instead we’ve started thinking about it as using he medicine to reframe anxiety.To create space + provide tools so that the individual can use their gifts as gifts instead of experiencing unpleasant physical side effects.
- Anxiety tells us when something is wrong in a room. We feel it. Anxiety as a superpower allows us to identify the source of the problem instead of taking it personally or simply feeling physically ill. Anxiety tells us when something is wrong in our world. Anxiety as a superpower allows us to take steps to make positive change rather than simply feeling distressed. Anxiety can make us scattered and distracted. Anxiety as a superpower allows us to successfully multitask when we need to, to hold many different threads and stories and perspectives within our capable minds & spacious hearts.
- It is also valuable to realize that most people we interact with are also tender, anxious, intuitive creatures navigating how their own physical reality interfaces with our beautiful, burning, unjust world.We need all of our superpowers activated right now. And we need to have tools and practices available to us that keep our physical forms safe, functioning, & healthy.